Austin Begins Plastic Bag Ban, Receives Mixed Reviews

March 06, 2013
Austin, Texas’s state capital began its plastic bag ban on March 1, 2013 and is receiving mixed reviews. The most notable city outside of California to institute a ban on bags that do not biodegrade, Austin’s leadership is impressive for a variety of reasons. For instance, reusable grocery bags are being given away at stores across the city, making it easy for shoppers to comply with the new law while they forget there is no longer a plastic bag option. Yet some Texans in and around Austin are having trouble with the concept of reusable shopping bags being the norm from here on out. Are they likely to win the argument? In fact, with New York City set to ban Styrofoam containers and many California cities well into plastic bag bans, it’s likely that reusable grocery bags will become the law of the land in the coming years. Frankly, the only reason it’s taken this long to begin is the enormous amount of space we have in the United States. The fact that trash disappears from our sights and into landfills, however, does not mean it disappears from the environment. Plastic bags and containers are here for good, and it is important to keep that in mind every time you are served one in a store or restaurant. Is it worth adding that trash to eternity? With a plastic trash mass floating in the Pacific Ocean, destroying the ecosystem in its wake, our trash consumption habits deserve a review. It seems clear that Austin residents are warming to the concept. Store owners currently concerned about being in compliance will see an advantage in custom shopping bags . Their logo can be walked all over town when it’s planted on reusable shopping bags. The concepts of commerce and environmentalism are not mutually exclusive. In this case, they work rather well together. In fact, moving forward, it’s likely that more store owners will use this cause as an opportunity instead of a hindrance. After all, what garners publicity better than saying you helped save the planet? For more information on our eco-friendly reusable shopping bags please visit or contact us at 800-255-0885 with any questions.