Did you know that in 1999, roughly 14 million trees were cut down in a single year to make 10 billion paper grocery bags used in America alone? This statistic has remained fairly consistent over the years, but change is on its way. The reusable bag industry is slowly growing and will hopefully lead to environmentally friendly initiatives to reduce deforestation. One of the way businesses participate in this movement is by buying reusable bags in bulk, then selling them to customers for a very low fee. Some even give them away for free to increase brand awareness and spread environmental ideals. If you are the owner of a liquor store, you might be able to do this too. Here's how.
- Step 1: Buy wine bags in bulk. They are fairly inexpensive and depending on the size of your liquor store you might be able to give them away as an investment in your customers' loyalty.
- Step 2: Charge for paper or plastic bags. Don't make the price anything too high or else people might get upset, but make it known that you will charge them for any non-reusable bag. You could even donate that extra revenue to an environmental cause related to reducing dependence on paper and plastic bags. Or you could mitigate the cost of buying wine bags in bulk and give them away for free.
- Step 3: Offer to enter reusable bag holding customers names into a raffle. Winner gets to take home a bottle of high-quality wine. This will help build a community.
- Step 4: Grow your community and brand imagery by having it on the reusable bags, and by setting up small perks for bag holders. For every $100 in purchases, give bag holders a discount of some sort.
- Step 5: Organize charity events within the local community. This will solidify your brand, build your customer base, and raise awareness for the importance of reducing waste. You can both help the environment and grow your business at the same time.
As a liquor store owner, you have a responsibility to your business. You want it to be successful for your employees and for yourself. Unfortunately, liquor store across America use some of the most paper bags in the industry. If you could change that and grow your business, you would be on your way to great success. Pick up some wine bags in bulk today, and turn over a new leaf.