It's Time to Change the Way You Think About Grocery Bags

It's Time to Change the Way You Think About Grocery Bags

February 09, 2017

The type of grocery bags we use actually say a lot about us as individuals and the grocery stores themselves. If you're the type of person, for example, that double bags their many items every time you shop and then subsequently toss those bags in the trash afterwards, you might not even realize how much harm you're causing. It's time to take a serious look at how you're using grocery bags and make the switch to reusable bags.

Sadly, about one million birds, 100,000 turtles, and countless other animals perish each year from ingesting plastic bags. These sea animals often confuse floating bags and other plastic particles for edible items and end up dying or significantly injuring themselves. You may not even think about it, which is most likely the case, because tossing a bag in the garbage is so much easier than properly disposing of it or reusing it, but if you start actually thinking about the consequences of throwing out plastic bags into the garbage, not knowing for sure if they will end up in the sea or a landfill, then you might actually be encouraged to switch to reusable bags.

There are so many benefits of reusable bags in addition to literally saving the life of birds and sea animals. Another reason to opt for reusable bags before your next grocery store visit is your ability to carry more items without having to throw away anything.

A small plastic bag can carry a few small items and max out at one gallon of milk. If you're going to the grocery store even a conservative amount of times a week like once, you're going to need at least 10 or 15 plastic bags. If you're shopping for you and your family or go more than once a week, however, you'll end up using a significant amount of bags each week, which is not good at all. Opting for reusable bags, on the other hand, will provide you with the ability to jam pack a ton of items into the bag, and reuse them over and over again without ever having to throw them out.

It's time to change the way you shop and stop harming the environment by throwing out all those plastic grocery bags. If you want to check out some quality reusable bags, contact Holden Bags today.