When Los Angeles became the biggest city to plan single-use plastic bags last year, lawmakers decided to start with the biggest stores in town. Six months into a successful project that began January 2014, small grocers joined the campaign at the start of July. Only paper bags or
reusable wholesale shopping bags are allowed in L.A. going forward. The good news is the city has already reported saving money on trash cleanup while consumers have adapted quickly to the change.
L.A. City Councilman Paul Koretz described the “flimsy, polluting, choking plastic bags” a something the city no longer needs when announcing the second phase of the ban. Mom-and-pop stores will be required to stock paper bags at a cost of 10 cents or reusable shopping bags that have a small one-time fee and countless uses. Most Angelenos (L.A. residents) have realized that bringing a reusable bag means never paying for a bag in the store.
Naturally, the amount of durable wholesale shopping bags is picking up around Los Angeles. Merchants who want to promote their businesses offer these bags free with purchases as a way to ensure they’ll get exposure around town. Instead of the plastic “Have a Nice Day” bags of the past, durable grocery bags get countless uses while eliminating the environmental impact of single-use bags and promoting your business as well. Customers have to make a small effort to bring bags to the store, but the entire community wins.
After all, the point of plastic bag bans is to help the community with its trash problem. Particles from plastic bags stay in the ecosystem for an estimated 500 years. Immediately, the bags pollute the beaches and streets. These bans remind everyone of the impact a shopping trip can have on the world around you. The alternative to the plastic bag pollution is the simple solution of carrying reusable bag to the store.
Do you have your store stocked with green bags? Order reusable wholesale shopping bags to help you customers go green on their next shopping trip. For more information or for a quote please visit
www.HoldenBags.com or contact us at