Join the Green Movement: Stock Reusable Bags at the Checkout Counter
Studies show the average American creates 4 lbs. of waste every day. Using that number, simple math yields an even scarier number – 14,000 lbs. of trash per person, per year. Is there any way out of this vicious waste cycle? A place to start is by ordering wholesale reusable bags for the checkout counters of retail stores. Reusable bags are gateways to eco-friendly behavior.
Breaking the Bag Habit
No one can blame...
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What are your green New Year’s resolutions? There are so many ways to cut down on your carbon footprint, but helping a community switch to reusable bags from single-use plastic bags may be the best idea of all. Here’s how it can start with any individual or business owner. Wholesale Reusable Grocery Bags: Ready to Roll Ordering reusable grocery bags is simple. Store owners can put their company logo on the front along with the store name and color scheme. You basically make a...
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As soon as California passed the country’s first statewide plastic bag ban, lobbyists for the plastic industry began a campaign to overturn the law. However, an L.A. Times/USC poll shows there is little chance of killing the law, which has the support of 60% of Californians. Store owners looking ahead may as well begin dealing with the ban by ordering wholesale reusable shopping bags. California’s ban would eliminate free plastic bags from store checkout counters and have store...
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When you want to cut down on plastic bag waste or adapt to local laws banning bags in your community, business owners can turn to reusable bags for a solution. Customers appreciate the gesture when you order wholesale grocery bags as part of giveaways or promotions. If you are thinking of stocking bags, here are five tips for how to get your order right. 1. Use the company colors. While a certain color might catch your eye during the design process, it is best to stick to the colors people...
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As California considers the first official statewide ban on plastic bags, it’s time to start looking to the future of the United States and the problem with plastic pollution. Clearly, it begins with eliminating the most wasteful of daily habits such as plastic bags for groceries and plastic packaging for food. Here is how wholesale grocery bags and compostable materials can end this daily influx of plastic pollution. Bags No One Needs Carrying groceries home from the store is a routine...
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After clearing a committee vote in Sacramento, it appeared Californiawas ready to adopt a statewide ban on plastic bags, which would be the country’s most powerful law to date. Lobbyists managed to delay the vote, but environmental groups still believe the bill will pass. California’s law would charge consumers for paper bags in the store and ban plastic bags altogether. Customers would bring reusable wholesale shopping bags to avoid bag fees in the store. It is difficult to...
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As city councils and state legislatures continue stalling on legislation that could help the environment, many people are looking for ways to live greener without the need for laws. In fact, there are many ways for business owners and families to eliminate waste and pollution, from using reusable wholesale shopping bags to considering the groceries you buy. Here are four things to do today. 1. Bring reusable containers to shop. Plastic bag bans across the country remind people to bring a...
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While there are some marketing strategies that have questionable results, it’s hard to go wrong with wholesale tote bags. These bags can accompany a product launch, promote your brand in high-traffic neighborhoods and even help in cities where there are plastic bag bans. They are so easy to design, so affordable and so useful for people that they are a true no-brainer for any business. Your Brand, Your Bags, All Over Town As soon as you hand out your first bags in neighborhoods with...
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While San Diego lawmakers are deciding what to do about a plastic bag ban, local environmental groups are pushing for quick action. During a recent legislative session, representatives from San Diego Coastkeeper pointed to a study that shows chemicals are transferred to fish from plastic bags and later consumed by humans. Environmental groups are hoping San Diego won’t wait for the state to act and enforce its own plastic bag ban. Research showed that San Diego could reduce the amount of bags...
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When the North Carolina Outer Banks banned plastic bags from the community in 2009, it was one of the first areas in the U.S. to do so. Area residents and officials were shocked at the amount of plastic bags littering the coastline, so they did something about it. Five years later, the Outer Banks public works department notes how easy it is to keep Cape Hatteras and other N.C. beaches clean.
Reusable wholesale grocery bags have replaced the single-use plastics for good. Initial resistance...
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