The only thing separating a dream from reality is typically the mundane act of execution. Forcing yourself to break bad habits and start fresh are New Year’s resolutions. In environmental concerns, even the smallest efforts can go a long way. Simple routines like bringing
reusable tote bags mean big things for the environment over time. All the waste from plastic bags is wreaking havoc on the earth’s land and seas and cutting down on that waste is easily achieved. Switching to
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When you make your list of resolutions for 2013, don’t forget to consider our planet and the growing trash problem. Every day, mountains of waste are produced while solutions to environmental issues come slowly. Instead of worrying about what lawmakers can do, it’s better to take matters into your own hands and “ask what you can do for your planet.” A great way to start is by using
eco-friendly reusable shopping bags. The
reusable tote bags you’ve seen popping up all across the country are...
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So you’ve made the decision to switch from paper or plastic to reusable shopping bag – a wise choice! But benefits of
eco-friendly reusable grocery bags aside, there is one aspect that requires a little additional work above and beyond what you would normally experience with traditional grocery bag options – having to keep your bags clean and safe. Unbeknownst to most people, harmful bacteria can quickly breed in unwashed bags, so it’s imperative to take necessary cleansing steps on a regular...
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Paper or plastic? Such a basic question, such an easy answer – until now. If you haven’t ever pondered your response to one of life’s most familiar questions, the introduction of
reusable grocery bags will cause you to deliberate just a bit more. Because generally – at the checkout line – don’t you usually just go with what sounds good at the time? Paper? Sure. Plastic? Why not. When it comes to the key factors that make up the pros and cons of each option, chances are you probably couldn’t...
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Reusable shopping bags are taking their rightful place as a solution to the growing trash problem in our country. The idea that we can use and discard plastic bags multiple times a day is no longer acceptable. The movement to end plastic bag use has picked up a lot of steam in California and other cities around the country. You’ll see custom grocery bags everywhere and notice the commitment on the part of consumers & store owners to think greener.
However, tackling the problem of excess...
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It’s hard to ignore how much daily habits can have a negative impact on the environment. From the gasoline burning in car engines to the plastic waste piling up from quick takeout lunches, regular conveniences begin to take on extremely negative associations.
Still, the movement to “go green” should never be about pointing fingers or causing consternation. This approach usually does more harm than good. Instead, we have the opportunity to lead by example every day – by carpooling, by using ...
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With the movement of using reusable tote bags is picking up steam across California and the world, it seems like only a matter of time before the U.S. as a whole follows suit. Is there an argument in favor of keeping single-use plastic bags as a staple of everyday life? Considering the disastrous effects on the environment and the money wasted in city trash collection and recycling efforts for plastic bags, few arguments sound valid for continuing the use of plastic bags.
Los Angeles County’s...
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With pollution damaging the environment and landfills overloaded with trash, every measure we can take on behalf of our planet should be considered. The plastic bag ban now in effect in several cities across California – and in the Pacific Northwest – is encouraging for numerous reasons. It is estimated that only 5% of all plastic bags circulating get recycled – a disturbing figure no matter how you look at it. With the trend in
reusable shopping bags finally taking hold, it looks like the...
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While you can’t stop business to start a campaign for the environment, you can make a big statement about going green every day by getting custom reusable shopping bags. Single- use plastic shopping bags should have gone the way of the dinosaur years ago, but they continue to be a staple of grocery and convenience stores across the country. While some cities are headed toward their elimination, there is still a long way to go. One way to make your voice heard – and promote your business at...
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If you are concerned about your business’s carbon footprint, it is time to consider switching from disposable bags to custom reusable shopping bags. Single-use plastic and paper bags continue to be one of the biggest problems in the struggle to reduce waste in the twenty-first century. Turning to personalized reusable bags might be one of the best decisions you make for your business – while they are great for the environment, they also provide a tremendous amount of exposure for your...
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