3 Bad Grocery Shopping Habits to Break

3 Bad Grocery Shopping Habits to Break

April 24, 2017

Grocery shopping is something that we all have to do. Without a frequent trip to the grocery store, there would be no tasty snakes, no essentials like toilet paper and hygiene products, and no delicious drinks. Shopping is an integral part of society today, but, unfortunately, too many people get stuck in such bad grocery shopping habits. 

Here are a few bad habits to look out for that the majority of people partake in while grocery shopping. 

Not Using Reusable Grocery Bags

Far too...

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2 Tips to Give Your Grocery Store a Competitive Advantage

2 Tips to Give Your Grocery Store a Competitive Advantage

April 17, 2017

If you're running a grocery store, it can be difficult to compete with larger corporations that have nearly unlimited budgets. There are, however, a few things you can to do improve the way you do business and grow your company's success. 

Reusable Grocery Bags

Although it may be cheaper to stock your store with plastic bags, the damage you'll end up doing to both your reputation as a business and the environment will be extreme. One of the major benefits of reusable bags is the...

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Myth vs. Fact: Reusable Grocery Bags

Myth vs. Fact: Reusable Grocery Bags

April 10, 2017

In our efforts to become more environmentally friendly, it's important we get all the facts straight. There can be a lot of uncertainty about a few things we use every day that can easily be replaced with reusable, green substitutes. One of these things is plastic bags. 

Plastic grocery bags are still the type of bag most stores offer. Unfortunately, that means a lot of these bags are going to end up in the trash, which will eventually lead to a landfill or an ocean. What this can mean...

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Why Should Your Customers Use Reusable Shopping Bags?

Why Should Your Customers Use Reusable Shopping Bags?

April 01, 2017

If you're running a grocery store, there are so many things that you have to consider in order to be successful. You have to make sure your customers are happy and plan on returning, that your employees are taken care of, and that all your products are being handled properly. One way that you can stand out ahead of your competition a little bit is purchasing wholesale reusable shopping bags. 

Here are a few reasons why your customers should use these bags and not their plastic...

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Stylishly Sustainable: Ideas to Personalize Your Reusable Grocery Bag

Stylishly Sustainable: Ideas to Personalize Your Reusable Grocery Bag

March 16, 2017

By ditching plastic bags, you have taken an important step in reducing your environmental footprint. A typical plastic bag can take anywhere from 15 to 1,000 years to decompose, and the typical consumer will use up to 1,000 plastic bags a year! Even paper bags, though they may seem like a viable alternative, do not decompose easily in a landfill. From landfills, to wildlife habitats, to the world's oceans, these disposable bag materials pollute and harm the natural world.

By opting to use...

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It's Time to Stop With Plastic Grocery Bags

It's Time to Stop With Plastic Grocery Bags

February 17, 2017

Every single year, roughly 100 billion plastic bags are used in the United States. The average person uses between 350 and 500 plastic grocery bags annually and a significant percentage of those bags end up being improperly disposed of and left to rot in landfills around the coast.

One of the most important benefits of reusable bags is the environmental advantage. Rather than wasting hundreds of bags a year per person, choosing reusable grocery bags will greatly reduce global pollution and...

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Interesting Ways to Repurpose Your Reusable Bags

Interesting Ways to Repurpose Your Reusable Bags

February 13, 2017

Plastic bags are becoming an epidemic. You get them everywhere, from the grocery store to your favorite take out place and even the liquor store. These plastic bags add up and all they do is end up in landfills across the nation. This is why it is so important to go eco-conscious and invest in reusable bags. In fact, one person completely switching over to reusable bags in their lifetime would remove more than 22,000 plastic bags from the environment.

But did you know that these reusable...

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It's Time to Change the Way You Think About Grocery Bags

It's Time to Change the Way You Think About Grocery Bags

February 09, 2017

The type of grocery bags we use actually say a lot about us as individuals and the grocery stores themselves. If you're the type of person, for example, that double bags their many items every time you shop and then subsequently toss those bags in the trash afterwards, you might not even realize how much harm you're causing. It's time to take a serious look at how you're using grocery bags and make the switch to reusable bags.

Sadly, about one million birds, 100,000 turtles, and countless...

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Help Preserve the Environment: Stop Throwing Out Plastic Bags

Help Preserve the Environment: Stop Throwing Out Plastic Bags

January 31, 2017

A simple item that people love to use and have used for years is continually destroying the environment. Plastic bags, on average, are only used for 25 minutes and are then thrown in the garbage. Doing this over a period of years greatly affects the environment and will continue to do so unless we find alternatives like reusable tote bags.

Here are some of the dangers of using plastic bags and continually discarding them in the trash.

Dangerous to Wildlife

In 2000, an autopsy of a beached...

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Change the World: 5 Reasons to Join the Reusable Grocery Bag Movement

Change the World: 5 Reasons to Join the Reusable Grocery Bag Movement

January 19, 2017

If you're offering plastic shopping bags to your customers, you should probably contact a wholesale tote bag supplier and hop on the reusable bandwagon. There are so many benefits of reusable bags rather than plastic ones that end up being thrown out and making up more than 10% of debris that ends up on U.S. shorelines. Here are a few reasons why your shoppers will enjoy reusable bags over disposable.

  1. Durability -- Reusable bags are much more durable than traditional plastic shopping bags....
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